Connect, InMail, Chat & Convert On Autopilot!

LinkedIn automation built by business owners 
for business owners. 24/7 auto-connect with your dream leads, start conversations, build relationships and create interest and book appointments for your services - assisted by AI.

Transform your business with AI-powered Machine

More than 12,000 teams use our software and close deals with companies like:

Clone yourself and let your clone do your complete Linkedin outreach

No amount of human hours could do, what Savvyleadsin can do.

Smart Inbox Management

All your chats, whether from linkedin or email are available in our smart inbox. Filter by campaign, label from cold to hot leads and reply to prospects without having to log in to linkedin or your email.

No Limits

Unlike others, Leadsin has no limits on how many actions your account can do per day.

Full Protection

Our algorithm mimics human behavior with random daily volume, speed & breaks.

Crush Linkedin Limits Safe & Fast

SavvyLeadsin is a cloud based solution equipped with protection mechanisms that replicate human randomness. This in combination with consistency let's you overcome linkedin limits instantly and send following volumes, without getting restricted from the platform:

Connection requests

Send 30-50 hyper personalized connection requests every day using custom attributes, such as Day, Time, Name, Job Title, Company, Years in Current Company, Total Career Position Counts, Total Years In Career, College Name,...+ you can even add your own.

FREE InMails

Our smart search mechanism spots open profiles in your linkedin search and sends every day to 70+ of those hyper personalized InMails, without the need of sales navigator InMail credits.

Messages to Network

Get the full potential out of your network, by running messaging, promo or follow up campaigns sending 120+ messages per day.


Yes, savvyLeadsin is not only a Linkedin outreach automation, but also a scraping, email verifying and email marketing tool using your linkedin search or external database.

Smart Campaigns

Behavioral Dynamic Response Outreach

Engage with your leads the way THEY like the most using our smart campaigns that track and respond dynamically based on your prospects behavior. View their profiles, follow them, send a connection request, or an InMail, if they have an open profile. Reach out via email, when a connection request gets denied and remind them via InMail...the combinations are endless.

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Stand out and increase your response rate

Be Different, Use SavvyMagic

Surprise your contcts with personalized pictures in your  outreach in Linkedin messages and emails, using custom attributes such as their name, profile picture, company loge, etc...

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Included Scraper

Scrape & Verify Unlimited Emails

Find and verify your lead's details, number and business email address, even without being connected on LinkedIn. SavvyLeadsin will automatically verify all emails before sending out your emails in order to protect your domain.

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Control & Achieve Success

Not only A/B, but A/B/C/D/E Testing

Every Campaign you build, wether its for Linkedin Outreach, Email Outreach or combined, each message can test 5 variations to ensure you hit the spot! Our reporting will share with you response and conversion rates in real time for each variation, so you can delete the others and message with success.

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7 second response support

24/7 Human Strategy & Technical Support

Every challenge you face will be taken care of in seconds. Our extensive support team is available at your call within  7 seconds. Yes, 7 seconds, thats our average response time, that's savvyLeadsin.

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Exclusive Bonus

SavvyLeadsin Makes & Saves You Money

Using SavvyLeadsin comes with advantages no other Linkedin tool can offer you. In your free Onboarding & Setup Call, even before setting up your Leadsin account and campaigns, our Linkedin Strategist will apply a 75% discount code on the monthly fee of your current or a new Sales Navigator subscription, what makes our software fee basically already as good as free.

Get Started

Not a Sales or Tech-Savvy Person?

No Problem. Our seasoned LinkedIn Strategists, help you to setup your first connection, inmail and follow up campaigns for you, from strategy, to linkedin search, copies and automation - free.


In a 1:1 zoom meeting one of our LinkedIn Strategist will share with you successful campaigns from our existing users and will built, with focus your goals, a winning LinkedIn outreach strategy.


Even the best outreach strategy is worth nothing, if the Linkedin search is not well crafted and targeted. Our Linkedin Strategist will create a hyper targeted search with you, for you, on your account.


The next step are the texts for the messages Savvyleadsin is going to send to your audience. For this, our Linkedin Strategist will create 5 connection scripts, 5 InMail scripts and 5 Pitch scripts with you.


And now it’s about putting all above together into a campaign. That can get pretty technical. Other providers let you figure it out by yourself, or send you lengthy videos or blog articles. We instead, set up everything in the very same meeting, so your campaign goes up an running from the very first day as user of SavvyLeadsin

What our Client Say

No Wonder Our Users Love Us...

"...and thanks to you I'm getting leads and those leads are now beginning to convert!"
Surinder Kullar
CEO @ ThirteenThirteenUAE
"...the support is also fantastic and my linkedin contacts is climbing nicely!"
Ammandeep A Kaurr
CEO @ HTrustConsulting
"...I'm truly surprised by what it has done for me in just under a month!"
Ed Grimes
CEO @ HospitalityTalentUK
"...and thanks to you I'm getting leads and those leads are now beginning to convert!"
Surinder Kullar
CEO @ ThirteenThirteenUAE
"...the support is also fantastic and my linkedin contacts is climbing nicely!"
Ammandeep A Kaurr
CEO @ HTrustConsulting
"...I'm truly surprised by what it has done for me in just under a month!"
Ed Grimes
CEO @ HospitalityTalentUK

...And Our All Inclusive Payment Plan

The Limitless Power Of Linkedin & Email Outreach

No payment is required now, schedule your free onboarding + account setup today and only pay on the call.

∞ Connections

∞ Image/ Gif Creation

∞ InMails

∞ Contacts Scraping

∞ Messages

Free Setup Call

100.000 Emails/mo

75% Sales Navigator Discount

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about our software and billing. - Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Text us on whatsapp using the button on the bottom of this page.

Start Getting Leads Already Today

Book your FREE onboarding with one of our seasoned LinkedIn Strategists, where we setup your first connection, inmail and follow up campaign with you, for you, from Linkedin search, to copies and automation - for free: